To see the Big Five personality test results of your dogs, please enter your unique ID and click “Ok”.
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You can see your dogs’ results on the Canine Big Five inventory below. The thick blue line shows the dog’s results, the light blue background is the population mean (as more people complete the surveys, the mean can change). You can find the description of each personality dimension below the charts.
Personality traits measured:
Extraversion/Energy: dogs scored high on this dimension are the active, extraverted ones. This extraversion can manifest in being pretty social or the center of attention but also in being assertive, even a bit pushy – depending on other traits of the dog.
Agreeableness/Affection: this dimension shows how easygoing and cooperative your dog is. Dogs scored high on this dimension are friendly, not looking for trouble with others and empathetic.
Conscientiousness: dogs scored high on this dimension are reliable. They are persistent and goal-oriented, and you can always count on them. They are always ready to work and persevere until the task is finished.
Neuroticism: dogs scored high on this are nervous and emotionally reactive, usually unstable. They find it hard to handle stressful situations and get anxious easily. Calm, confident dogs score low in this dimension.
Openness/Intelligence: this dimension measures openness to new things and environmental stimuli. Dogs with high scores are curious, inventive and smart, they enjoy new challenges. They are fast learners and usually find new ways to solve problems.
Extraversion/Energy: dogs scored high on this dimension are the active, extraverted ones. This extraversion can manifest in being pretty social or the center of attention but also in being assertive, even a bit pushy – depending on other traits of the dog.
Agreeableness/Affection: this dimension shows how easygoing and cooperative your dog is. Dogs scored high on this dimension are friendly, not looking for trouble with others and empathetic.
Conscientiousness: dogs scored high on this dimension are reliable. They are persistent and goal-oriented, and you can always count on them. They are always ready to work and persevere until the task is finished.
Neuroticism: dogs scored high on this are nervous and emotionally reactive, usually unstable. They find it hard to handle stressful situations and get anxious easily. Calm, confident dogs score low in this dimension.
Openness/Intelligence: this dimension measures openness to new things and environmental stimuli. Dogs with high scores are curious, inventive and smart, they enjoy new challenges. They are fast learners and usually find new ways to solve problems.